Rocky Point Rotary Food Drive
The Next Rocky Point Rotary Food Drive will take place in November 2023.
Especially during the Holiday Season there is a huge drain on the resources of our local food pantry. Please look into your heart and take the time to buy a few extra items and drop them off outside the entrance of the store. Thank you for your generosity.
Donate food, donate non-perishable food items, donate $10 Gift Cards for perishable food items.
All donations go to local food pantries such as the Island Heart Food Pantry which is sponsored by the Mt. Sinai Congregational Church.
Best non-perishable food items to donate:
Canned Fruits
Large Boxes or Bags of Stuffing
Large Boxes Instant Potatoes
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Bottles / Cans of Juices (not refrigerator type)
ALL Gravies canned or jarred
Rice & Beans
Cans of Cranberry Sauce
Cans of Yams or Sweet Potatoes Cereal or Oatmeal
Canned Vegetables
Any kind of Pasta, Sauces
Coffee, Tea, Sugar Cake/ Cookie Mixes, Frosting Packages of Cookies. or non-perishable desserts. (Example- Pepperidge Farm, Entenmann's) Popcorn, Nuts, Raisins, Dried Fruits,
ALL SOUPS Pet foods- (dog and cat)